Public Commitment 2019 – Update 3

This year my theme is Connection. To follow along with what I’ve been reading, learning, listening, see the Timeline.

Over the last three months, I’ve been reflecting on the theme by looking back at some things I learned and read. I have started the Three Body Problem series again (almost finished within 2 weeks) and reread ReWork.

I would like, in the coming three months, to upgrade my website some more. So that I can better search back and rely on the site even more.

I think that that I can also use the theme with a new venture I’m exploring, by going back to the knowledge I had before, and to connections (ghehe) I have made throughout my life (now at 29 years and counting).

Here is my analysis of the goals and various updates:

Goal 1: Make this website a true personal knowledge hub

I didn’t find time for writing essays (as I would like to have done) and I think that this quarter I might not make them, but who knows.

What I do want to do is work on the book part and make a better overview of that on the site.

I like how the timeline is going and enjoy writing down my notes of important/valuable things I read/listened/discussed. The pace where it’s at now (2/3 updates per week) is good for me.

Goal 2: Eat good meals that support my well-being 90% of the time

Last quarter I experimented with intermittent fasting (IF). In relation to doing weightlifting, I stopped doing it. But since this week I started again. I do weightlifting in the afternoon now (at 2 pm) and start eating at around noon. So far, so good.

Other food things are going well and Lotte and I cook almost every day (and I eat leftovers for lunch/brunch).

Goal 3: Keep on improving my house

The house is going well. In the coming quarter, we want to make the hallway a little nicer and I think that’s it for now.

Double-glass at the front of the house might be the next thing, but it’s not a high priority thing.

Goal 4: Achieve my fitness goals

I’m now almost in the middle of the 13-week strength cycle and that has been going really well. So off to the gym in a few moments.

With regards to the Clean & Jerk of 90kg, I think I will be able to make that. But let’s focus on the training and max out later. Or just give it a little try tomorrow, I will see. And maybe I will try doing an Overhead Squat Press today, just to test if I can even do it with the bar.

Goal 5: Write Spero

Yes, I’ve done it. Version 0.2 is out and you can find it at the link above. Feedback is very welcome.

Soon I will start writing other stories too.

That is it for now. Next quarter I hope to share some good updates (and the reflection for the whole year) again.